As long as I can remember I’ve been a light sleeper. Not only that, but sometimes taking an hour or two (or more!) to even fall asleep after getting into bed and turning off the lights. Not cool! I was pretty dubious about sleep remedies and aromatherapy for ages, but a couple of months ago I figured it might be worth a try for the sake of my sanity!
I looked about at a few different sleep remedies and decided to get the Badger Sleep Balm (21g mini size £3.99). The reason I went for this one is that it doesn’t actually make you sleepy, unlike some of the more popular products from other brands. I know that sounds completely counter-intuitive, but hear me out! Instead of making you sleepy, this balm is designed to help clear your mind, which then allows you to properly switch off and fall asleep naturally. Getting restless and not being able to turn off thoughts was my main problem so it sounded like the perfect remedy!
The balm comes packaged in a little round tin, about half the size of the palm of my hand – totally portable and ideal for taking travelling too. It’s also available in a larger 56g tin. It can be used on lips, temples and other pulse points, although personally using it on pulse points seems to irritate my skin ever so slightly (I’m a little sensitive to essential oils sometimes). What I find works best for me is just breathing in the scent from the tin and rubbing a little of the balm under my nose about 10 minutes before I want to go to sleep.
I really wasn’t expecting it to work, but I’m so happy to say I’ve been falling asleep much quicker, within 5-10 minutes, since I started using this balm every night. The blend of lavender, bergamot, rosemary, ginger and balsam fir is just amazing for calm thoughts and a clear mind. It even seems to boost my mood a little too and I often end up sleeping right through the night – practically unheard of for me in the past! I’m so impressed that this one simple, 100% natural balm can make such a significant difference and I couldn’t be without this product now. To anyone who regularly finds themselves restless at bedtime, I highly recommend giving this a try!
Have you tried this Sleep Balm or any other Badger products before?